
Mama’s Got A Brand New Bag

This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and U by Kotex but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #UbKKmart

DIY Tote Bag 3

Before becoming a mom, I always carried little purses. I loved having just the “necessities” with me. But once I started to hear the pitter patter of little feet, (well, actually before that, but you know what I mean,) my days of tiny clutches were over and the years of lugging around a giant diaper bag were here. It is completely true that the bigger bag you have, the more stuff you will carry.

My little men are now two and four and I have decided it is time to lose the big ol’ diaper bag and move on to something a little cuter. Because of my DIY nature, I decided to make my own bag. Plus, this way, it could be just the size I want it. (Tutorial on the blog tomorrow!)

Once I had my new bag, it was time to stock it with everything this mama needs to be prepared for summer.

DIY Tote Bag 5

1. Sunscreen- My boys inherited my extremely fair skin. So, sunscreen is a must have for all of us!

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2. 1 Diaper – I still have one kid in diapers so, I like to keep one with me at all times in just in case.

3. U by Kotex Cleanwear Pads- Perfect product to keep me covered no matter what and I love the packaging! If my little ones dump out my bag, the pretty colors are not so in your face about what’s inside. It makes the situation less embarrassing, when my two year old son is running away with it.

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(If you follow me on Instagram, then you know that I can’t pass up a great deal. Right now you can buy 2 U by K products and save $3 instantly at Kmart with their “Shop Your Way Rewards” program. If you are not a member yet, you can sign up here.)

4. Mini pack of Wipes – Obviously, wipes would be needed in the case of a messy diaper, but they are also wonderful for messy faces and fingers.

5. Bandages- You know, for the boo boos. I have two boys. What more is there to say?

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6. 2 toy cars- These babies are life savers! They make the perfect entertainment for waiting rooms, restaurants or even the car.

What’s in your bag? Take a photo and share it with us on Instgram with the tag #ejdmybag.

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