Picture Frame House Numbers Guest Post
Today we’re sharing how to make these fun Picture Frame House Numbers over at Table & Hearth. These are super easy to whip up, only cost a few bucks, and are completely customizable. Head over to Table & Hearth, say “hi” to the wonderfully creative Emily, and check out how you can easily make your own!
20 Summer Projects and Recipes
Patio Update on a Tiny Budget
Lavender Wreath
Mediterranean Chicken Foil Packets
Summer Party Printable Invitation
Neutral Coastal Pallet Flag
Grilled California Club Pizza
Numbered Mailbox
Packing A Carry On
Reusable Snack Bag
Bassinet Makeover
Grilled Bread Salad
The Cheapest Moss Letter You Will Ever Make
Glazed Herb Planter
Buffalo Chicken Meatballs
Patio Makeover
Laundry Basket Planter
Ooey Gooey S’mores Bars
File Cabinet Garage Storage
Hosta Wreath
Strawberry, lime, and Mint Infused Water
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Two Year Blogiversary Celebration – Day 4
Today, we are wrapping up our two year blogiversary celebration. And before I share another of our most popular posts, we would like to thank our readers. You guys are AMAZING! Thank you so much for all of your sweet comments and support over the past two years!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
If you’ve been following along this week, you’ve seen some our favorite/popular projects (Boxes to Baskets, Bed Risers, and Personalized Utensil Crock.) One of our most loved posts has also been our Vintage Inspired Chalk Cloth Map.
This project was sentimental for our family and even though it took a little bit of time to complete, it has been wonderful to see it everyday hanging in our
son’skid’s bedroom to remind us of our time in MA. You can find out how we put this together here.Thanks again for hanging out with us this week! And don’t forget, there is still time to enter The Home Depot Challenge Giveaway for your chance to win a $100 gift card to The Home Depot.
Want more? Follow us on social media! We would love to connect with you! ____________________________________________________________
Concrete Table Top – The Home Depot Gift Challenge & Giveaway
It’s monthly challenge time again and boy was this month a challenge! (A few of our past projects were 2 x 4 Wall Art, an Industrial Book Rack, a Wood Box Caddy, and a Pegboard Luminary.) When I first heard that we would be doing projects using concrete for June, I thought “This is going to be easy.” Silly me, I have never even worked with this substance before. I could not have been more wrong about it! My attempt at concreting a table top turned out to be more of a failure rather than a success story.
This challenge is in no way associated with The Home Depot. We just love their stuff!
Before any DIY happenings, this is the original table in all of its pre-concrete glory.
Starting off with full confidence, I mixed up a batch of Quikrete and applied it to the surface.
It went on pretty even. I let it dry a full 24 hours.
Next, I sanded it down to smooth out any bumps.
It was looking pretty good until I used the shop vac to suck up the dust. This revealed a few holes in my concrete surface and I noticed the edges were starting to crack too.
I thought, “No big deal. I’ll just patch it with more concrete.” If only is was that easy, the outcome of this project would have been much different.
After the patching, I sanded it down again and I had even more holes and cracking.
Well, clearly this wasn’t working! I had to come up with a new plan. So I took some of the concrete mix and stirred it together with some white latex paint. I wasn’t entirely sure what I would be accomplishing with this new concoction. But at this point, what did I have to lose? Also, at some point during this whole process, I had decided to paint the rest of the table white in an attempt to make it more appealing to the eye.This new substance was pretty pliable. I covered my hand with a plastic bag to help me level it out on the surface.
Finally, when there was just no more time to dedicate to this project, this is what I was left with after it dried. A lumpy, uneven, partially painted table that was extremely top heavy. A Project Fail if I’ve ever seen one!
During this entire process, I have really learned so much about working with concrete. And this may sound a touch on the crazy side, but I really do think I could have made this project work. I am hopeful that someday I may find more time to give to this poor little table.
_______________________________ Giveaway Time!_____________________________ Along with this month’s challenge, we are giving away a $100 gift card to The Home Depot! To enter for a chance to win, follow the instructions on the Rafflecopter ballot below. Good Luck!
Now it is time to head on over and check out all of these fun concrete projects! I am betting they had better success this month than I did.