Concrete Table Top – The Home Depot Gift Challenge & Giveaway
It’s monthly challenge time again and boy was this month a challenge! (A few of our past projects were 2 x 4 Wall Art, an Industrial Book Rack, a Wood Box Caddy, and a Pegboard Luminary.) When I first heard that we would be doing projects using concrete for June, I thought “This is going to be easy.” Silly me, I have never even worked with this substance before. I could not have been more wrong about it! My attempt at concreting a table top turned out to be more of a failure rather than a success story.

Before any DIY happenings, this is the original table in all of its pre-concrete glory.

Starting off with full confidence, I mixed up a batch of Quikrete and applied it to the surface.

It went on pretty even. I let it dry a full 24 hours.

Next, I sanded it down to smooth out any bumps.

It was looking pretty good until I used the shop vac to suck up the dust. This revealed a few holes in my concrete surface and I noticed the edges were starting to crack too.

I thought, “No big deal. I’ll just patch it with more concrete.” If only is was that easy, the outcome of this project would have been much different.

After the patching, I sanded it down again and I had even more holes and cracking.

Well, clearly this wasn’t working! I had to come up with a new plan. So I took some of the concrete mix and stirred it together with some white latex paint. I wasn’t entirely sure what I would be accomplishing with this new concoction. But at this point, what did I have to lose? Also, at some point during this whole process, I had decided to paint the rest of the table white in an attempt to make it more appealing to the eye.

This new substance was pretty pliable. I covered my hand with a plastic bag to help me level it out on the surface.

Finally, when there was just no more time to dedicate to this project, this is what I was left with after it dried. A lumpy, uneven, partially painted table that was extremely top heavy. A Project Fail if I’ve ever seen one!

During this entire process, I have really learned so much about working with concrete. And this may sound a touch on the crazy side, but I really do think I could have made this project work. I am hopeful that someday I may find more time to give to this poor little table.
Along with this month’s challenge, we are giving away a $100 gift card to The Home Depot! To enter for a chance to win, follow the instructions on the Rafflecopter ballot below. Good Luck!
Now it is time to head on over and check out all of these fun concrete projects! I am betting they had better success this month than I did.
Carmody of Paper & Fox
I had a difficult with working with concrete too! I see your vision with the table, sorry it did not work out.
This one was really a challenge!
This month was by far the most challenging so far! Glad you shared even though it wasn’t your expected outcome!
Roxanne, the cement is pretty tricky to work with.
Jen @ Fresh Crush
Well, we’re just two peas in a pod this month. At least it was fun to work with! I hope you give your table another shot. I’ll def be trying my planter again… just not today. ;)
I loved your teaser pic for the collage, Jen! The cement was fun to work with and I definitely learned a lot.
Amanda @ Dwelling in Happiness
Ah! Oh man, I hear ya, I was SO worried mine would totally flop too. It’s so hard working with concrete, you don’t know how it’s going to turn out until it’s dry!! I liked your idea of putting paint in there cement, I think you’re on the something! I didn’t even realize how difficult concrete would be to work with!
Thanks Amanda! Yeah, I am going to try the paint in the the cement again. I really think if I just take my time with it, it could really turn out amazing.
Oh no – that’s the worst when a project doesn’t work out..It’ s always a good thing to learn something new though. I’m sure you will be successful next time you try! You’re brave even for attempting it! I kept mine as simple as possible and still had problems. I guess concrete is just hard to work with.
Thanks Shelly!
So challenging, right? my planter (stuck to the basics) was my second attempt and I had to read a few Pinterest tutorials before getting it right. BTW so cover a surface in concrete you can try Ardex Feather Finish it’s concrete but just a surface cover. I used this on my counter tops and I am going to be doing it again since they decided to chip 2 years later…but def the coolelst stuff.
Absolutely Deb! I plan on trying the Ardex Feather Finish for concrete counter tops. I just have to be brave enough to be without a kitchen for a few days.
Shannon Churchill
Concrete can definitely be challenging! We had to do several run throughs before getting it right with our kitchen countertops.:) So sorry it didn’t work out, but thank you for sharing your process. Every DIYer has been there.:) I’m sure next time you will knock it out of the park!!
Thanks Shannon!
Emily @ Table & Hearth
I was thisclose to doing a tabletop too! This stuff was soooo tricky to work with, take comfort in knowing you were not alone this month. I find it hilarious that we all had major issues this month :) Keepin’ it real!
Thanks Emily! I did not feel alone in the problem department this month. Haha!
This month’s project was a challenge for me, too! I had to scrap my original idea in the 11th hour, once I realized it was not going to work. I hope you get around to doing a re-do, this is such a great idea!
Thanks Amy! I am really hoping I get a chance to work on that table again.